Dracula’s Lair: Transylvania is an eco-resort favored by royals and tech billionaires


Transylvania has always attracted a certain ‘type’ of Brits. That said, those who weren’t on Dracula’s tourist trail were overwhelmed by the biodiversity of the Carpathians (their forests contain the highest number of brown bears in Europe) and the simple delicacy of rural life. Here, mornings rise with the jingle of cowbells, farm-to-table traditions prevail, and walkers rest their weary heads in beautifully decorated guesthouses, their bellies warmed by dumpling soup.

As Europe’s last great wilderness, Transylvania attracts the unpretentious, the philosophical, who would rather eat local lamb over open flames with fellow wild lovers than sip champagne for a photoshoot on the Côte d’Azur. However, Madonna’s eldest son, Rocco Richie, recently broke from the Transylvania convention by sharing photos on Instagram of him riding his motorbike to the “crazy place”. Tesla and SpaceX founder Elon Musk has done the same. He allegedly eschewed the area’s low-key attractions, throwing a Halloween party at Bran Castle (the residence of Count Dracula in the Bram Stoker novels), where he is said to have invited his tech billionaire friends and celebrities, including Peter Thiel and Angelina Jolie.

Rocco Rich recently shared

/ PA

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